Mortgage Payoff Statement Template Download
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- Date and date through which payoff amount is valid. These requirements cannot be deleted from payoff statement. Texas finance code § 343.106 requires the implementing rule to allow mortgage servicers at least seven (7) business days from the date of receipt of payoff request to respond to a request made under the statute.
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- A payoff statement is a statement prepared by a lender providing a payoff quote for prepayment on a mortgage or other loan. Knowing you can pay off your mortgage or home equity loan early may have you by either mailing or faxing a request letter or using the bank's online form.
A payoff statement should include the name and address of the lender preparing the statement and be addressed to the lender that requested the payoff. It also needs to include the customer's name, the loan number and the terms of the loan, including the balance and the interest rate.
A payoff letter is a document that provides detailed instructions on how to pay off a loan. It tells you the amount due (including interest charges up to a specific date), where to send the money, how to pay, and any additional charges due.
Payoff letters, also known as official payoff statements, help you avoid surprises by providing all of the information you need in one place.
After a loan is paid off, you might get a different type of payoff letter confirming that your payment was received and your account is closed. That letter can be used as proof that your loan has been completely paid off and you have no additional liability.
Basics of Payoff Letters

When you want to pay off a loan, predicting exactly how much you need to pay can be challenging.
Interest charges get added to your loan balance every day (or every month), so the amount you owe changes constantly. If you just try to write a check using the loan balance shown on your last statement, there’s a decent chance that you’ll fail to pay everything you owe. The result will be frustrating: You’ll need to make phone calls, send additional payments, and wait longer than you expected for your debt to be eliminated.
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To prevent problems, you can request a payoff letter, and your lender will provide an official document with instructions on how to completely pay off the loan in one transaction.
Payoff letters generally supply the following information:
- A date that the payoff amount is good for (this is the deadline for making your payment)
- If paying by check, who to make it payable to (and if a cashier’s check is required)
- If paying by wire transfer, where to send the money
- Any charges to include with your payment (outstanding penalties or account closing fees, for example)
- How much to adjust the payment if you pay before or after the projected payoff date (this helps you pay the right amount of interest if you can’t pay on the exact day specified in the letter)
How to Get a Payoff Letter
To get a payoff letter, ask your lender for an official payoff statement.
You can usually just call write to customer service, or you can make the request through an automated online system. While logged into your account, look for options to request or calculate a payoff amount, and provide details (such as your desired payoff date).
You only need to request a payoff letter if you’re paying off debt yourself – for example, if you’ve got a lump-sum of money that you want to use for an early payoff. If you’re refinancing or selling your home, your new lender or a title company will most likely make the request for you (you should be notified that a payoff quote was requested).
Costs for Going Debt Free
Mortgage Payoff Statement Template Download For Windows 7
Generation fee: Expect to pay a modest fee for a payoff letter, but in some cases the service is free. The cost might depend on how you get the letter – ask customer service for details. For example, some banks mail the document for free but charge $25 to email or fax it to you.
Processing fees: You might also have to pay processing fees to pay of your loan. This is a charge from your lender for handling the payment and closing out the loan account.
Prepayment penalties: although rare, prepayment penalties still exist on some loans.
Spend a few minutes reading the fine print in your loan agreement or talking with customer service. Make sure you understand what it will truly cost to pay off the loan – and make sure you send enough to get the account closed on your first try.
Verbal Quotes
You can also request verbal payoff quotes from your lender (and, if you like, ask that they follow up by sending a letter). You won’t have an official and legally binding document, but you’ll have a rough idea of how much money you need on hand to pay off your loan. You can even move forward with payment based on a verbal quote – but if you got bad information you won’t have any recourse.
Using a verbal quote is risky in a mission-critical transaction. But if you’re not worried about how long it takes to sort things out (and you can wait around while money gets shuffled and accounts get adjusted), a verbal payoff amount helps you get the ball rolling.
Payoff Letters as Proof
Another type of payoff letter is a letter you get after you have successfully paid off a loan. This letter informs you that the debt has been satisfied, and it might be helpful if you need to prove that the loan no longer exists. For example, if you’re selling a car that you recently owed money on, your buyer might be reluctant to move forward if you don’t have a clear title. It can take lenders a while to remove liens and send titles (unfortunately), but this type of letter might help you keep things moving.
A payoff letter can also come in handy if you’ve got errors in your credit report. If a credit bureau is incorrectly reporting a loan that you’ve paid off, they’ll need documentation to remove that error. A letter from the lender (among other things) should help you get errors removed.
- Basics of Payoff Letters
- Costs for Going Debt Free
- Payoff Letters as Proof
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Name: Mortgage payoff statement template File size: 880mb Language: English Rating: 5/10 |
Do whatever you want with a Payoff Letter Form: fill, sign, print and send online In , Countrywide had spun off Countrywide Mortgage Investment as an. Figure: 7 TAC (c)(6) PAYOFF STATEMENT FORM Name of Mortgage Servicer Name of Representative Street or E-mail Address City, State, Zip Code. PRIVATE MORTGAGE PAYOFF. To: Title Please accept the following letter as a payoff for the above mentioned mortgagors. Payoff balance good through___/ ___/_____ Please fax the completed form to as soon as possible.
Please issue a written payoff statement good through the date of. for the above mentioned mortgage loan. Company Name*. Attention*. Fax Number*. Please consider this a formal request for a payoff figure relating to the above referenced loan. The payoff figure should be good through: Date. I understand that. 5 Feb The payoff statement should include the terms of the loan. For example, here's how to calculate the payoff on a loan with a balance of.
Mortgage Payoff Statement Template Download Pdf
The above Charge/Mortgage is (not) in good standing as of this date. Principal balance after June 1, Yr 0 instalment,. (providing this payment is honoured). 26 May See how a loan payoff letter helps you get rid of your mortgage and to request a payoff letter if you're paying off debt yourself – for example. Please use this form to request a Mortgage Payoff. To speed the processing of your request, please follow these steps: 1. Complete the Payoff Request Form in . Thank you for your inquiry regarding payoff of the above captioned loan. This loan payoff statement (“Statement”) will expire thirty (30) days from the date. Attention Payoff Department. Re: Payoff Request—. Mortgagor: Please be advised that our clients wish to satisfy the above referenced mortgage. Kindly.
Use the sample letter on the third page if you want to contact your mortgage If you are writing to say the servicer gave you an inaccurate payoff balance, the. A payoff statement is a statement prepared by a lender providing a payoff quote for prepayment on a mortgage or other loan. Knowing you can pay off your mortgage or home equity loan early may have you by either mailing or faxing a request letter or using the bank's online form. Land Contract: Approval Letter and Loan Status statement. By signing this form, Mortgagor authorizes fees associated with ordering the payoff to be applied to.
Mortgage Payoff Statement Template Download 2017
The letter is to request a payoff on my account good through (date). My Loan number is. Please email this payoff request to. or Fax it to. You can also email this. Loan Payoff Request Form: Please fill out form, front & back and mail to address below. Mail to: Metro Credit Union. Att: Mortgage Servicing, Revere Beach. I/We hereby authorize you to release the above information to Pennsylvania Land Titles (a copy of this form may be used as an original). PAYOFF REQUEST FORM. I (We). / authorize RoundPoint Mortgage Servicing Corporation to provide a payoff quote to representing the amount required to.
Mortgage Payoff Statement Template Downloads